C12th - C13th manuscripts
C12th - C13th manuscripts
A leaf from a Psalter, in Latin, manuscript on vellum [Germany, 12th century]
C12th - C13th manuscripts
C12th - C13th manuscripts
Beautiful painted white vine initial, Augustine’s Commentary on John’s Gospel, Italy C12th
C12th - C13th manuscripts
C12th - C13th manuscripts
Elegant English Early Gothic Script from late C12th Passionale – Paulinus of Milan
C12th - C13th manuscripts
C12th - C13th manuscripts
Glossed Bible leaf reused as a binding in French archive. France (doubtless Paris), 13th century.
C12th - C13th manuscripts
Huge C12th bifolium of St Augustine’s Tractate 94 on St. John’s gospel.
C12th - C13th manuscripts