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A huge, monumental Koberger with a flawless medieval binding and 2 illuminated initials Vita Christi 1478
C14th -C16th manuscripts
C15th Czech manuscript for a recipe in Old CZECH – Very early printed proof copy of an unknown calendar in CZECH – all in a 1484 edition of Simon de Cassia in contemporary binding.
Incunable in Handsome Contemporary Binding, 1488, Spiera’s ‘Quadragesimale’
Revelationes of St. Methodius with first illustration of a Caesarean birth; 1498
Superb illuminated copy of Koberger’s ‘Jerome’ 1478 in contemporary binding
Sweynheym and Pannartz, Lactantius’ Opera Rome 1468
Voragine’s Legenda aurea, Zell 1482 in original tooled binding
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