C12th - C13th manuscripts
C12th - C13th manuscripts
Miniature Breviary leaf with unusual and handsome script, c.1280
C14th -C16th manuscripts
C14th -C16th manuscripts
C14th -C16th manuscripts
Partial bifolium C15th from Breviary, Germany, with later annotations.
C14th -C16th manuscripts
C12th - C13th manuscripts
C12th - C13th manuscripts
Pseudo-Jerome (perhaps Augustine) Commentary on Psalm 59, Italy pre-1180
Arabic and Ottoman
Rare Arabic codex of the Malhama Daniyal, a Christian Levantine divine work (1762)
C14th -C16th manuscripts
Single leaf from the so-called ‘Carondelet Breviary’ 1458 from the scribe Jean d’Aussert
C12th - C13th manuscripts
St Augustine on John 17, the High Priestly Prayer on a huge bifolium C12th, Italy