James Chapman Woods. Old and Rare Books, An Elementary Lecture; Delivered at the Royal Institution of South Wales, Swansea, on March 2nd 1885. 35pp
[with]The John Rylands Library Manchester: Catalogue of an Exhibition of Medieval Manuscripts and Jewelled Book Covers, shown in the Main Library from January XII to December MCMXII.
Manchester: University Press, London: Bernard Quaritch and Sherratt Hughes MCMXII Mono frontispiece facing title page (10 illustrations) 134pp
[with]A Great Librarian, Mr William Faux On His Half-Century’s Experiences. A disbound article starting on p.19-38
[with]A Publishing House; The History of Harper and Brothers and Their Friends
A disbound article starting on p. 458-461
[with]A Guide to the Exhibition of the King’s Library Illustrating the History of Printing, Music-Printing and Bookbinding
British Museum. By Order of the Trustees 1901.
Illustrated with line drawings. 149pp.
[with]Copyright, National and International from the Point of View of a Publisher.
London, Sampson Low, 1879 47pp.
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