Biblia, dat is: De gantsche H. Schrifture, vervatt. alle de Canonyke Boecken des O. en des N. Testaments. Nu eerst door last der Stat. Gen. over-geset. [with extensive musical notation] [Dutch Bible] Published by Paul. van Ravesteyn, Amsterdam,, 1652
A rare edition of the Dutch Bible. Original C17th boards with two silver clasps in the form of bars. Sometime rebacked over raised bands. 16cm x 10cm. Engraved general title page. Text in double column. Part titles to ‘Prophets’ and ‘New Testaments’ [bound with] Psalms all in musical notation, scarcely found in this format. [bound with’ Catechisms. We can only find an edition in the Amsterdam University Library Bibliotheek Universiteit van Amsterdam A very attractive and rare Dutch Bible.
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