Tag Archives: manuscript

Gerard of Cremona: Pioneering the Latin Translation of Hippocrates

Gerard of Cremona: Pioneering the Latin Translation of Hippocrates Stephen Butler Rare Books & Manuscripts

Intro The translation of ancient texts has long been a pivotal process in the transmission of knowledge from one culture to another, often serving as a bridge that allows for the exchange of scientific, philosophical, and medical insights. Among these, the works of Hippocrates, the legendary Greek physician, have held a special place. His contributions […]

Carolingian Minuscule: The Key to Medieval Literacy

Carolingian Minuscule: The Key to Medieval Literacy Stephen Butler Rare Books & Manuscripts

Carolingian minuscule, also known as Caroline minuscule, emerged in medieval Europe as a standardised script to ensure easy recognition of Latin texts, particularly Jerome’s Vulgate Bible, across different regions. Originating around 778 in the scriptorium of Benedictine monks at Corbie Abbey, and later refined by Alcuin of York during the Carolingian Renaissance, this script revolutionised […]